The Summit Instruments 13200C and
23200C accelerometers include a
temperature sensor in their small, rugged
package. The small size and built-in
power regulation allow the 13200C and
23200C to fit where other accelerometers
can’t. Choose the bandwidth and range
options best suited for your application
to measure ±10 g, ±15 g, ±20 g, ±25 g,
±30 g, ±35 g, ±40 g, ±50 g, or ±70 g
accelerations on one or two axes.
sistemas de seguridad
mk31 irs inertial
synchro torque receiver
sistemas de seguidad
navigation systems
satellite compass
Sistema de vigilancia
Prototipo de GPS diferencial
Prototipo de entrenador de conductores
Sistema de control de climatización
Sistema e instalación de Compás Satelital
Santa María de Oro 150
Tandil . Buenos Aires . Argentina
Tel. +54 0249 - 443 13 14
Cel. +54 0249 - 154 58 15 52